Myanmar Ophthalmological Society

About Myanmar Ophthalmological Society

The Myanmar Ophthalmological Society (MOS) was first formed in 1957 with 14 members. The society functions as a specialty society of Myanmar Medical Association. Membership grew to 440 ophthalmologists in 2019. The executive committee members are elected at the Annual General Meeting and serve on a 2-year basis.

The society holds the Ophthalmic Conference annually, and the recent 31st Myanmar Ophthalmological Conference was held in October 2019. It also convenes a mid-year Academic Meeting every two years in the historical city of Mandalay.

The society collaborates in implementing the activities of National Eye Health Plan of the Prevention of Blindness Department of Ministry of Health and Sport.

Combined Continuing Medical Education programs are held every three months in affiliated universities. The society bulletins are published and disseminated to the society members every three months.